Monday, May 6, 2013

For A Good Reason


So I've been missing out on the blogging scene as of late, but I have my reasons.

I've been really busy with Work, but I'm loving every moment of it. It's been great: people-wise and work-wise. Yes, there's a lot to do, but I can really say that I've got the Work Life Separation Principle going on. I'm able to not think about when I'm out of the office, and concentrate on what needs to be done with I'm in the office. I'm being productive.

Speaking of productivity, I'm actually thinking of starting my own Lifestyle/Productivity/Advice-Type of Blog. Why? There are some sites that I love going to every morning before work starts. It's my everyday routine of picking up on current events and some productivity articles. My personal favorites at the moment are: Business Insider, Life Hacker and most recently,  Elite Daily.

Now on to the reason.

I've been out in the Corporate World for about a year and I've gone through so much already. Different bosses and co-workers, scrutiny, stress and frustration, and it feels that there are other people out there who are going/have gone through the similar things that I have. Sharing my thoughts, advice and tips to help others get through just might sound like a good idea. Business Insider and Life Hacker has helped me grow as a person, and I'd like to share my learnings and tricks to help other people grow as well.

I guess I'm growing up a little. It's time for me to move on and try to more productive. Sure, I've been missing out a little on the Social Media and everything, but hey, I'm good.

I got a "new" machine (I wouldn't say new. Haha. Better, maybe?) that actually makes we want to revive some of the online and social media facets that I have at the moment. My Twitter Account is alive again. Haha.

Although I don't have the means to access Facebook or YouTube a lot, I still get chances during breaks and when there's a stable internet connection. I often resort to my phone to check my Facebook.

Well. That's all I could say. I'm back and better than I ever was. 20lbs heavier (I need to get back in shape.) but much more experienced. Yup, corporate does that to you some how, but I'm loving it!